Friday, 11 September 2009

It's le weekend...already???

Wowza! It's the weekend already??? This week has just flown by. They always do really but this one was super dupes fast!


I finished those triple scoop cones! I addes choccie sauce, cream, sprinkles and a cherry on top for good measure, haha!

I really like them but I'm working on some that are even better!!

Also I've been working on making some cute ice cream earrings and some cupcakes too!!!

Can't wait to show you!!!

Thank you for all you encouragement and support:)

A little ebay treat for me. It was quite cheap so it may fall apart after a day ;D It's super cute though!

This was an early birthday gift from Davie:)
Yummy fabric.

I'm taking some sewing lessons this fall so hopefully I can make something that resembles clothing soon!
I can sew, just really simple things, like plushies, zipper pouches etc but a piece of clothing FROM A PATTERN!!! haha, scares to poop outta me! Can't wait for lessons at the end of September!!!
I'm also taking an embroidery class too, so excited!

Treated the kitties to some new litter pans! I love the design of these high backed pans. We were using make shift pans out of a recycle towers, as they have low fronts and high backs, as two of our kitties pee with their butts in the air! ;D
We got them for a steal too, they were half price £4.98 each, we got four of them and only paid £4.99 for next day delivery, pretty cool!
It's really reducing how much litter is scattered around too!

Remeber the leather beds we got our dogs? Well Captain loved his, but sadly Levi was too big for his and didn't like how small the opening was. They didn't have any bigger sizes so I looked on ebay and found this cute bed for him!
He loves to den down and because the opening of it is pretty wide, I really think he'll take to it. Well, we'll see when it gets here!
I've had a pretty nice week this week, no complaints!
Hope you have a great weekend and remember, make crafts or cupcakes, not war! ;D


it's me ...Twinkie Chan! said...

AHHH The sprinkles make it look soo sososoos cute!

PaisleyJade said...


Anonymous said...

such a lovely post!

your fabric is beautiful! good luck with the lessons - i could do with some myself!

Have a wonderful weekend :-)

Rose XXX

Jenny S said...

The sprinkles are so cute! Can't wait to see the cupcakes...

lollywood said...

yum that ice cream cone looks good enough to eat! and i love that hello kitty watch!

Sophie St Vicious said...

I just know that fabric is going to turn into something amazing!

apparentlyjessy said...

hehe, I have a very similar Hello Kitty watch from ebay! Came in the same box! I had to secure the dimontes with clear nail polish, and the watch band kind of falls off randomly now and then, but otherwise its a cute watch that gets lots of compliments! :)