Thursday, 11 February 2010

Au-natural and thrifty tips

This is an unusual post for me, It's mostly text for one, which will make many not bother reading but stick with this PWEEEEZ, I put my heart into it. I'm evolving into something more sophisticated and I am loving the change. I'm still cute, I'm still me only with a lady essence sprinkled on top, ha, whatever that means, I'm waffling.

The book I've just finished reading "The Thrift Book, live well and spend less" By India Knight has got me thinking! There are so many things you can do to live a more healthy, thrifty, fun ,green, awesome life! I recommend the book to all of you! Don't buy it though, be thrifty and rent it from the library, haha! Well, you can buy it if you want too!;D
I am financially challenged Right now and thus I rented said book from my local library, cost=free!!!

So what am I doing?
Not enough I feel but here is the skinny on where I am at.

I stopped dying my hair for a start, better for environment and better for my health, bladder cancer linked is to hair dyes, choc full of nasty chemicals, probs nasty testing to our furry friends=not cool and so 2009!!
A few months ago I dyed my hair my natural colour of dark golden blonde and that's me done. (well until I'm grey, maybe then I'll use a natural dye)
I'll naturally lighten in the summer with the sun anyway, maybe I'll try some lemon juice or chamomile but that's it.
If you want to carry on dying your hair, maybe you could go for a more natural hair dye like naturtint for one. Find more here;

Make up wise I'm turning to vegan mineral make up (watch out for cool new review of vegan make-up that I am doing soon)
Toiletry wise I use only my beloved weleda range. (cannot rave about this company enough, they deserve their own entry, one day soon)
The best face pack ingredients are probably in your cupboard right now! I use a pure honey mask, It is wonderful for dry skin, wonderful for zits too!

Oatmeal makes for a fab facial scrub.

Add some milk, oatmeal and some honey to a bath to really moisturise your skin.

My face wash, soon to be cold pressed olive oil as recommended in the thrift book, still cant get my head around the fact that that is better for my blackheads and spots but hey I will give it a go!
Body scrubs consists of sugar and olive oil, this is amazing for getting rid of dead skin and leaving your body silky as when the sugar is rinsed away the oil remains to soften your skin, bliss and dirt cheap! Avoid delicate face and neck.

In the home

House cleaners consist of vinegar and water for windows, damp cloth for cleaning and dusting the house daily, beeswax for wood, lemon and bicarbonate of soda for the kitchen and bathroom With tea tree oil for anti bacterial properties.
To scent the home, avoid nasty plug ins and sprays, instead go for soya wax tarts and incense, aromatherapy burners and the like.
I need to find a natural leather cleaner for my sofa and chaise longue, anyone know any?

I need a natural handwash recipe too, must look online for that today me thinks, when I find one I'll edit it here.

Washing clothes wise, I used to use soap nuts a few years ago but I didn't like them so much, they didn't make my clothes feel fresh and clean, even by adding an aromatherapy oil to the water, not my bag at all, so I think I'll have to try ecover washing powder and softener for now until I find something better.
Bleach alternatives are good, I've used oxygen bleach for years, great stuff.
I've read in the book all about soda crystals for cleaning, must try those.
Borax solution for wood floors is supposed to be great but haven't tried it.

Buying fun things.
Ok, now onto buying things more thoughtfully and thriftily.

In these times you can obviously really help people by buying from local stores as much as poss, you know, giving your money to "Mom and pop" rather than "the man", as much as you can but even "the man" employs plenty of people so let's not feel guilty about our high street purchases. Some clothing stores are pretty unethical in who they hire to create their cheap clothing though, maybe look into that.

I intend to shop more thoughtfully in this way in future shopping trips.

Try as much as possible to buy from indie designers/crafters etc, for all your gifts for friends and family and treats for yourself, it will help keep them (the designers) afloat in these lean times and you'll get something lovingly made, probably very original looking and a new talking piece in your home to rave about to your friends! Also your friends and family will have something special rather than a mass-produced piece of crapola that will either end up being re-gifted to some other poor sap or in the charity shop or gasp, worse, in the landfill!! Buy thoughtfully! and are fab sites where sky is the limit on what you can find there and where everyone's budget is covered, NICE!

You don't always have to buy your friends something either, what you say??? No really, you don't, nowadays it is fine and dandy if (in your group of friends) you all have kids to just buy the kids the gifts, now for me personally I think that sucks because I LOVE prezzies! But I know of people that do this, and it works for them.

Also if you are all still gift givers to eachother but struggling money wise then maybe you could work out together some free gifts, like babysitting, cleaning, ironing, make over, manicures, pedicures, facial, gardening, you name it!

If you are a crafter and are lusting after other handmade delights, why not ask the creator of said delights if they are up for a trade? I ADORE trading my handmade goodies for other handmade goodies, heck, let's not leave it at handmade goodies, what else can you offer? can you illustrate? can you web design, offer your accounting skills in trade for handmade goodies also if you know your crafter in real life maybe you can offer to do their ironing, house chores, baby sitting etc. I just think we should all get creative if times are tough, I mean we still want to have new nice things, right? Also I think this brings us all closer and a sense of community which was drastically lost in the last 30 or more years.

Want a nice new outfit?? Go thrifting instead of blowing the money you haven't really got in the high street, you can usually find the latest looks/trends in the thrift stores or even classic designer gear in some of them at a fraction of the price you'd pay in the high street and you are being green and helping out a great cause too!

I have learned something about fashion the hard way, I would be constantly buying clothing and then go to wear something and have hardly anything that was "in" I was buying high fashion, and one minute it is in and one blink and it is out. I don't have the money to restock a full wardrobe every freaking season so from now I only buy a few high fashion fun pieces and the rest it is going to be ebay or thrifted designer classics or thrifted trend copies, that's it. It not only was hurting my wallet but it was so sad that I had loads of clothing just wasted in my wardrobe, that's not Green and it isn't thrifty, not one bit.

Learn from me, buy from ebay and thrift stores, vintage stores, if you buy new, maybe go for classic designs that won't be out of fashion after lunch!

Holidays are fun but can be stressful but now I have a new sense of excitement about them as I am going to try to do everything as thrifty as I can.

Valentine's day is coming up fast, so firsty for valentine's day why buy an expensive mass-produced card when you can print out a free printable card!

How about this cute site!

You could make your loved one some cookies or other crafty delights. a delish meal, if you re not crafty then offer other fun things, nudge nudge wink wink haha!

Entertainment and social life.

Instead of renting a dvd for yourself, grab a few friends over and have a movie night, they can all bring some food and drinks and your rent the dvd, that way you all got a fab cheap night together, the movie prices are for chumps! At the movies I never enjoy the atmosphere of the people smells and candy crunches, sweetie wrapper crackling and the obligatory "i think I'll chat through the whole movie", douche-bag.

I personally would LOVE this, all you need is a few friends to have a pamper party, give eachother facials and manicures, pedicures etc, fun when taken with alcohol!

Board game evenings with food and drinks, again everyone brings a dish or drinks or whatever.

Another fab tip that India gives in her book which I thought was awesome was to have clothes swaps with friends, you can do this online too but I thought why stop at clothing, you could all meet and take a big box of stuff you were bored of, like ornaments, cushions, jewellery, accessories, shoes, clothes, you name it! Make a night of it with drinks,snacks and chats.

If you are into it, you could all chip in to hire a medium to come over and tell everyone their future!

Get a great yoga dvd and have a yoga day/night once a week round the friend's house who has the most space, cheaper than a class and fun with friends.

Have a craft night, even if it is just you and one of your friends, or invite others that want to learn something that you know and teach them how, how rewarding would that be to pass on your skills??

Let your imagination run wild and think of all the cool things you can do with your mates in these lean times. Think about your environment, buy thoughtfully, care about what you put on and in that body of yours and what you put down that sink too. Above all, have fun with it!

Thank you so much for reading!!!


1. bunnycakes said...

Ahh Becky, this was fantastic! So interesting :D And great for people like me with little cash.

2. sassypackrat said...

Wow that was some post! Living a healthier, budget friendly, more eco friendy life is always worth talking about.

3. kimberley said...

Great post! I might try out some of the natural house cleaning tips.

4. Teiva said...

I LOVE this post. Seriously..I have been thinking this way as well. My mother and I have been using vinegar, water, and rubbing alcohol for our windows for about 2 years now and it is SOOO much better than store bought brands by far! I really want to read that book!

5. * said...

These were all fantastic tips, I am going to look into this book for myself at the library or bookstore as soon as I can dig out of all this snow we've had.

I do alot of the things you have mentioned in your post. Sometimes it is hard to be consistant, but I do the best that I can.

I wasn't aware of the hair dye. I'm going to look into that.

6. Rebecca said...

This entry was such a huge inspiration and just exactly how I am feeling about things! I love all of your tips and I cannot agree more on your beauty tips.... I can't stand putting chemicals on my face/hair and use only natural products as much as I possibly can! So much better for you, the animals we share this planet with, and the environment!
Thank you for this entry, I LOVED it! x

7. Jody Pham said...

i really enjoyed this entry. not only are you beautiful and talented, but you're so thoughtful of the world around you. i was really pleased when i realized i do a lot of these things already (yay!). you gave a lot of tips i hadn't ever thought about though! i look forward to your skincare post! i just ordered some vegan concealer and powder off etsy and will probably be doing a review of my own. yay. <3 keep up the awesome posts!

8. Monster said...

great post!

on the olive oil, it sounds like the author is talking about the "oil cleansing method" or "OCM". i used it for a very long time, although your recipes can vary. i really love jojoba oil as a moisturizer because it feels much lighter on the skin than EEVO. good luck!

9. Sophie St Vicious said...

wicked post Becky!

definately give me a few things to think about. I think I fail majorly with the hair dye & it's going to be the hardest for me to change.

The idea of vegan makeup has me really intrigued, I'm going to look into this more <3

10. Chan @ Chanmeleon said...

Cool, I'm excited that more and more people are thinking about the environment!

If you are concerned about pimples, you can mix a tiny bit of castor oil into your EVOO. Castor oil draws out impurities. Don't put too much though, or you could get cysts from "diving" too deeply into the skin. Yuck!

Good luck with your journey!!

11. Susana said...

I see many comments here! You definitely shouldn't be afraid of writing longer posts because they are absolutely worthwhile. Also, I love reading longer posts and this one was very inspirational and creative, it gave me lots of ideas! Plus, I've never heard about folksy before and it's just lovely to open a page and see lots and lots of hearts because they are featuring Valentine's day items ^^

12. Francie Horton said...

This is a wonderful post. Love it. Another thing you can do is take your green/thrifty consciousness into your craft room. Take a look at the book Green Guide for Artists by Karen Michel. It's full of awesome. Not only does it have lots of eco-conscious choices for art/craft but it's full of eye candy, too, so you're not gonna feel cheated there, either. :D Pretty visuals are always important to me. (I asked for this one from my mom for Christmas. :D My way of being thrifty.)

If you're a big booklover, I have a couple suggestions for you.

1. If you feel you just *have* to have a certain book, make a public wishlist at Amazon and make sure friends and relatives know that's what you want for gifts. (You can actually add other things to your list besides books but people love to buy books for the people they love. :P)

2. There are also a few websites online where you can trade used books with other people, for example Be sure to check international swap rules.

3. Join and catalog your books and write reviews. They have an Early Reviewer list that you can sign up for as well as a list of books that members are giving away. There are different books for different countries.

4. And last, but not least, if you have a blog with a good-size readership, contact the publisher of the book you're interested in (if it's a newish release) and tell them you're interested in receiving a review copy. Tell them your blog stats, your target audience, and it's always good to ask if they have a reviewer list that you can be added to. You don't have to "know somebody", either... just use the contact form. It'll get forwarded to the marketing person. Anova there in the UK has been good to me. :)

Perhaps I should have written my own post on books. hehe

13. thestoryofkat said...

sorry this comment is so long but I LOVE your post! it's great that more people are choosing to change their lifestyle like this. i too am taking little steps..choosing local/handmade over processed crapola, more recycling, canning, netflix instead of going out, etc. I really hope the change keeps going even when/if the economy gets better!!

two things you should totally check out:
1. Alice Waters and her book: The Art of Simple Food, because eating right is a surprisingly large part of eco/sustainable living
2. i have this book called "Natural Beauty For All Seasons." and it is CHOCK full of recipes for just the kinds of things you are talking about.

good luck!

14. Peach Nia said...

Such awesome comments from you guys, how awesome are you??????

Not only has it given me the confidence to do this more but I have gotten some great advice here, thanks all of you so very much xoxoxoxoxo

15. Tastes Like More said...

Thought I should finally comment, as I've been following your blog for quite some time :).

I loved reading this post! I'm always fascinated to read about people doing more natural things, whether it be for beauty, the home, etc.

Regarding washing your face with olive oil - that's called the Oil Cleansing Method, and usually you need to buy castor oil as well, as that is what really gets down into your skin to rid it of nasties.

Olive oil isn't for everyone - it was too rich for me. I've used grapeseed, but switched to avocado about 8 months ago when I found out that you can't actually press oil out of grapeseeds - they use a few chemicals to draw it out.

If the oil doesn't say it's "cold pressed" then it's not totally natural.

Anyway, I'm digressing a bit! The oil cleansing method is great as a little face treat, 1-2 times per week. I used to do it every day with disastrous results! Usually I'll use just a splash of water, or pure glycerine soap on my face, but my skin really benefits from the OCM. It makes it soft and pretty :).

Oh, and I'm going to check out the hair dye! I too have decided to stop dying my hair, but I'm trying to find a colour that will match mine so that the re-growth isn't too obvious. I hope they ship to Canada!

Aaah that was a long comment. Love your posts! Keep it up!