Sunday, 21 February 2010

Not a happy camper.

Hi guys,
I was supposed to draw the winner of the giveaway tonight but I will have to wait for a few days as I had an accident and fell down the stairs and damaged my back, right now i am in bed typing one handed. i cant walk, move my head, or arms without horrific pain, hopefully i will be back in a few with the winner, if not i will get my hubby to write out the entries and draw a winner for you guys, love you guys, talk soon xxx


1. sassypackrat said...

Oh you poor thing! Take care of yourself!

2. MonsterMashBash said...

Oh my gosh! I hope you get better SUPER soon! :( xx

3. tukru said...

oh dear!

i hope you feel better soon.

xx tukru

4. becky said...

Oh that sucks!...the marshmallow is here ready to go when you feel better.
Relax, rest and take care of yourself!

5. Tastes Like More said...

Oh no! Get lots of rest and I hope you feel better soon D:!

6. cuppy said...

OH MY GOSH !!!! Sweetie !!!!!!! I feel so bad & wish that I could help you & take care of you !!!

I hope you feel better super soon honey!

I love love love you xoxoxox

7. Unknown said...

Oh my - take care!

8. apparentlyjessy said...

I hope you have a quick recovery Beck you poor thing! At least you have a wonderful Hubby to take care of you!

9. Unknown said...

How aful, I hope you're feeling better soon and there's no lasting damage

10. Patricia said...

Hope you get better soon!


11. it's me ...Twinkie Chan! said...

Holy. Cow!!!!!!! Feel better, Becky!!!! That sounded like it was scary and hurty.

12. Sophie St Vicious said...

you poor thing, I hope you get better soon!

I'm going to start working on your theme again this week again. I went back the docs and he's put me on those tablets you mentioned and it's getting much more bearable. So I hope I can bring you some joy with images of what Im working on!

13. Cateaclysmic said...

Oh no that's horrible, take care of yourself and feel better soon xoxo

14. Peach Nia said...

Thanks to all of you for your comments, going to draw the winner today :)

15. Rebecca said...

Ouch, you poor thing! I hope that you are feeling loads better and not in pain now! xxxx

16. Peach Nia said...

Still in pain but on the mend :)
Going to see an osteopath soon to make sure everything is in the right place :)

17. lollywood said...

oh no! i hope you are feeling better soon!

18. Fernn xxx said...

:) its fernn xx are you alright now ? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <3 xx