Friday, 10 September 2010

CRAFT 52 week 35

Hollar, my friends!!
How are you??

Creativity has been flowing and last night I designed and made this owl cushion :)
Not 100% happy with the design and would do it differently next time around but he sure is cute and brightens up the living room :)

He looks at home, already ;D

What do you guys think?


sassypackrat said...

He's really cute! Good job!

Cateaclysmic said...

That's so adorable, I love how crafty you are xoxo

Peach Nia said...

Thanks sweetheart!

Peach Nia said...

Hehe, thanks Cate, you always leave such sweet comments, really means a lot to me xxxxxxxxxxx

miss teacups said...

he's so so so cute! i actually am in the midst of getting an owl tattoo. the outline is done so far but it's going to look so good when it's all done!!

Peach Nia said...

Thank you Carly!!