Friday, 19 November 2010

Giveaway time!!

Meet the lovely and talented Sandra who is the genius behind

1. Tell us a bit about yourself, your background and how you got into creating your wonderful creations!

I predominantly make paper goods as I have always loved stationery. I am always happy to receive a new notebook, unusual pencils or pens and am genuinely never tired of receiving these as presents which makes me very easy to buy for at Christmas!
I studied art and design throughout school, college and university. My technical background is quite varied and I have experienced everything from textiles and bookbinding to oil painting and screen printing. Although I may not have enjoyed some of these things as much as others, I think that it is very useful to have a range of skills as you never know what will come in handy.
Ever since my late teens, I have moved towards graphic design although I do not think that I would ever call myself a graphic designer. I do favour the term designer-maker as it gives you more flexibility in what you do.
I do have days where I decide that I want to print tote bags and then others where I just want to sit at my computer all day and design a set of greetings cards.
I’m a bit of a scatter brain and jump from one thing to another and I dislike the idea of creating things in one style. This can be a problem if people struggle to recognise your work but I think that versatility is an asset. You need to adapt and evolve to keep you on your toes. I can’t imagine churning out the same things over and over again. It may work for some people, but not me.

2. What/who inspires you and why?

Bright and bold designs are always an inspiration to me whether it is on fabric, ceramic or paper. I spend a lot of time looking at blogs and I come across a lot of pieces that I find truly wonderful. I also love buying vintage craft and home decoration books from second hand shops as you come across some amazing colour and pattern clashes. I think that I must have bought all of the Seventies craft books there are to buy in the UK because I only ever seem to come across ones I already own!
I like the work of Olle Eksell and Shinzi Katoh as their pieces are so vibrant, exciting and happy. I always try to create things that don’t take themselves too seriously.

3. How would you describe your wonderful style?

I would describe my style as a little bit of sunshine on paper. I know how excited I get when I buy a lovely piece of stationery and I hope that when somebody buys something of mine they get that same feeling.

4. How did you come up with your design name?

I came up with the name in a bit of a teenage moment. My favourite band is New Order and one of their songs is called Ceremony. I added the tea part to give it a sense of home. Tea & Ceremony also makes me think of how formal stationery used to be where as now it is something that can be quite fun. Also, I do drink a lot of tea!
5. When you were a child what did you want to be when you grew up?

I never imagined being something specific like a doctor or a solicitor or even a designer. I wouldn’t even introduce myself as a designer now despite my training and background. I’ve worked in a completely unrelated field for the last ten years in my day job and my creative side is something that I have always done for myself in my free time. I like the freedom of making something because it popped into my head and I feel like making it.

6. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?

I’d have to say a hedgehog because they’re a little prickly on the outside, soft on the inside and also a little bit clumsy (that’s why they’re run over by cars a lot!)
7. How would you decorate a cupcake to represent your personality?

My cupcake would be covered in yellow butter cream icing, hundreds and thousands, purple sprinkles and a little sparkler.
8. As a designer, what are you most proud of that you have accomplished to date.

My recent success through selling on Not on the High Street. It was big gamble selling through them because there’s quite a substantial joining fee and I also paid for a slot in the current winter catalogue. It was a lot of money to pay up front when there’s no guarantee of a return. I’ve just recently made all of the money back and the exposure of selling through the site has given me some wholesale orders and one of my notepads is due to appear in a national magazine as it was seen on the website.

9. What makes you laugh??

Pretty much everything! I can think about a scene from a comedy film I watched six months ago and start chuckling to myself. I do watch an awful lot of comedy programmes including Curb Your Enthusiasm, Arrested Development and The IT Crowd and can always watch an episode of Blackadder no matter how many times I’ve seen it before.
10. Do you have a website/blog???
My website is I did have a blog on there but although I see lots of things I want to blog about, I’ve never become disciplined in keeping one up to date. I really admire anybody who has the stamina to maintain a blog!
Giveaway item!!!

Sandra is kindly giving away 3 manchester bus prints!!

Simply leave a comment on what your favorite drink is, good luck!!

Winner will be announced Friday November 26th!

Don't forget your contact email addy x


Jody Pham said...

Her work is wonderful!
My favorite drink is probably freshly ground organic coffee, or a tall glass of water w/ crushed ice, topped with a lemon wedge.

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

My favourite drink is TEA! I drink baout 8 cups per day... it's just the best.

And I LOVE this print!


hello [at]


Unknown said...

Ooh, my favourite drink is limeade. I love the way it looks like a magic potion, all green and fizzy c:

Lizzy said...

Tea, though good old water is a close second =] lizzybear at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Aw, this bus print is so cute! I love how she describes her style as "sunshine on paper." If I won this print, it would definitely be some "sunshine" on my wall. :)

My favorite drink is Rice Milk! So refreshing, yet a bit creamy. Delish!

bannercat | &

PS: Okay, so Hot Tea is my for real #1 fave, but someone already said that, so I wanted to be a little different. ;)

TopHat said...

I like raspberry lemonade, though vanilla lemonade is surprisingly good!

hrfarley at gmail dot com

Zoe Ross said...

tea for me im afraid and sweet too-nothing tastes better than a cup of tea when u have been out all day


Natasha said...

A fruit smoothie is my favourite drink! Yummy!!

Taylor said...

I absolutely love Pomegranate juice with club soda. So refreshing!

friederike said...

my favourite drink is coffee!
gegenallesboese at gmail dot com

Mo Pho said...

I love my morning coffee!

krherning at yahoo dot com

Yen said...

My favorite drink is either hot or iced caramel macchiato with an extra shot of espresso and extra caramel.

Anonymous said...

LOVE her work! My favourite drink would be Coffee, Im sort of addicted to it :) LOVE Starbucks sooo much! :)

alvin _ darmawan at hotmail dot com

DJ said...

My favourite drink is tea - 1 lancashire teabag, 1 earl grey teabag brewed together for 3 minutes and then served with lots of unsweetened soya milk - yum!

wrongasaurus at yahoo dot co dot uk

Taronger said...

My favorite drink is ginger ale

flordtaronger at gmail dot com

BananasAreGross said...

club soda with a splash of olive juice. weird, i know, but so so refreshing.

Tilly said...

Erk! Love that bus print! My favourite drink is Earl Grey tea, though I'm a peasant and drink it with milk. :)

Julia said...

Im loving your blog design here! Your header is so cute! I love these paper works from this artist. This post is so inspiring.

Unknown said...

The bus print is awesome!

My favorite drink is either iced jasmine/black tea with a splash of cream. :)

jentabulous at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

So cute!
My favorite drink is chai tea, yumm :)

an ika said...

My favourite drink is tea


Amanda Fazzini said...

My fav drink is yoo-hoo!!

Susan said...

My favorite drink is water, it is so good! suelee1998 @