Saturday 3 March 2012

It's March?!?

Hey there! I am a little freaked out just how fast this year is going! Already we are in March, sorry to state the obvious but I feel it needs to sink in with me. Time is going so flippin' fast.
Is it due to getting older? Is time moving fast for everyone? It seems so from talking to all different ages that it is for everyone. Maybe it is due to the fact that we are very rarely bored these days?? We have everything to entertain our every spare minute now.
When I was a preteen (I feel like grandma saying that, haha) we had 4 tv channels, yep 4!!
It was very dull times when you were sick or grounded. All I had was a black and white tv and a stereo to entertain me, technology wise. No Ipod, Ipad, kindle, Computer, a bazillion tv channels, facebook or video games! How on earth did I cope.
So maybe that is why time feels like it is moving faster for all now. Because every minute that we are not working, taking care of our kids, socialising or sleeping, is taken up with technology, plugging into the matrix, so to speak.

One thing I've been doing lately that is far from technological is KNITTING!!

I joined a fantastic "Knit and Natter" group near by. It is amazing!! I highly recommend it if you want to learn. You get to learn from all different levels of knitters.

My group ages ranges from 20's to a lovely lady who is 83, which she proudly told me :)
She kindly showed me how to cast on and other ladies in the group taught me how to cast off and inbetween the learning we had tea and biccies and laughed a LOT!
You know what a bunch of women are like when they get together, naughty jokes, talking about knitted condoms and well, Men :D
The lovely lady that hosts it is a real artisan. She showed me some of her finished work. I gasped. One of the items was a shawl that no lie, looked like it has been made by a bunch of fairies (the mythical kind not the fabulous gay kind) I told her this and she laughed. I guess my brain comes up with sthoughts that seem perfectly normal for me to say out loud, but for some reasons people start giggling :)

I can't wait for my next get together, for more willy talk, tea, biccies and oh yeah, knitting!

Is time moving faster for you?

Do you go to a crafty class??