Sunday, 28 April 2013

Some deliciousness.

Well hello there!
I just had to rave about these products.

Nutritional yeast flakes, ever heard of it?
It's flipping Divine!
So what is it?
Nutritional yeast is made from a single-celled organism, Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, which is grown on molasses and then harvested, washed, and dried with heat to kill or “deactivate” it. Yeasts are members of the fungi family, like mushrooms! It is a great vegan source of B12!
It is a source of protein and vitamins, especially B-complex vitamins, and is a complete protein It is also naturally low in fat and sodium and is free of Sugar and Dairy and gluten.
It's also super tasty!
So what does it taste like?
It has a nutty, cheesy taste to it.
So what do you do with it?
Well...I personally adore it on a salad or in a stir fry.
People pop it on salted popcorn too for a cheesy tasting snack.
If you are a vegan or looking to lower your dairy intake..this is perfect.
Next on my delish list is Himalayan pink salt.
What is it?
It is an old, untouched pure form of salt, unrefined and still contains all nutrient value.
Most salts are highly refined, devoid of all  original nutrients and oftentimes with harmful ingredients added...Himalayan pink salt contains 84 minerals and trace minerals, it is pure and unrefined.
Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt is one of the purest salts you can get.
Good source of iron.
Great for skin!
Great for sinus health
Increases bone strength and much more!

It's also very pretty to look at and is classed as a crystal.

This crystal is also used to make lamps with.
The crystals are believed to help purify the air and they have been shown to increase negative ions in the air..making your indoor air more healthy.
Great to pop by your TV, computer, alarm clock etc.

I really want to try a lamp....i have one on my pinterest as a hit to hubby for my birthday :)


Teiva said...

The lamps are nice but if you live where it gets humid at all in Summer they collect water and actually form a puddle where they are sitting. A little scary if you have a plug in one.

Dotty Delightful said...

whens your birthday Peach?, they are great as they absorb all the humidity in the air ( thats why they get wet if you dont turn them on) plus they get rid of the ions from tvs etc