Monday, 29 March 2010

CRAFT 52 week 7, still behind,eeps

Hi guys, so happy to show you this cute tee I made!
I had an idea for doing this tee from the panda trash bin that I have in my craft room

I'll be back soon today with more photos for you xx

let me know what you think of the tee!


1. MonsterMashBash said...

Soooooo cute =)

2. ☆RabbitoBonbon☆ said...

hi there o(^-^)o

i got stumbled on your blog~~

OMG it looks super amazing!! XDXD

i hope we can be friends ne~~

anyway ive followed you already~~

so i hope you could follow me back o(^-^)v

3. Tildy & Mama said...

i think it's fabulously cute!

4. Amy Kaufman said...

This is adorable! You are too cute:) xox

5. sassypackrat said...

So sweet and cute!

6. * said...

what a cute organized desk area.

7. Tastes Like More said...

So cute! I would definitely wear it. And you hair looks fantastic! You can definitely rock the crimped look :).

8. Anonymous said...
