Sunday, 25 April 2010

Walking the walk :)

I'm still over here on my mission to make my life much greener, and still educating myself on animal cruelty and using products that are cruelty free and products where the ingredients are safe and non toxic to the body.
I am determined to live the life I have pictured in my mind, not hurting the earth more than I have to and certainly No harm to animals, that was my big motivation.
The love I have for my fur babies, my three kitties and two dogs, I could no longer look them in the eye and not change my life around.
It is one thing to eat meat and another entirely to condone horrendous vivisection practices, they are very shocking, terribly inhumane and so upsetting to me that I had to get my head out of the sand and look into it and make changes once and for all and not carry on in ignorance.

I urge you, if you have any humanity to please look at sites that give you cruelty free companies and the companies to boycott, great links here;

OK, so what have I done?
Well I went online and researched for hours and hours!
I looked up cruelty free products and companies to replace what I currently have.
I found what is ok to use on my face make up wise, I found some great natural beauty treatments and I found out what will clean my house in the most Eco friendly way and came up with tons of great recipes online with mostly the ingredients below, so i went out and stocked up!

I bought;

white vinegar
bicarbonate of soda
lemons (real)
soda crystals
orange essential oil
fragrance free laundry detergent called surcare (want soapflakes, so I can make my own laundry detergent but couldn't source locally, only online)
ecover washing up liquid but had no idea they were on the "bad" list so will be changing to bio-d (cruelty free and green) washing up liquid next week.

with these ingredients I can clean mostly anything i want!

I still need to buy;
reusable razor
bio-d furniture polish
kingfisher natural toothpaste and natural mouthwash
honesty natural shampoo and conditioner
honesty natural shower gel
honesty hand wash
(The only reason I don't have these products yet is purely because I am using what I have first and then I will replace with the above)

Things I do;
Another way to be green is to use reusable cloth menstrual pads which I have done for years now and love them so much! I am ok with my body and not grossed out by the natural monthly cycle so it works for me :) Better for the environment and better for you as they are non toxic, work out a lot cheaper over the years and other reasons that I will leave up to you to find out here;
menstral pads

Oh and some of my friends have pointed out in the comments, there is the mooncup or divacup

Lately been washing my face with honey, I use Rowe's honey as it supports the honey bee.
Great to use honey for all skin types, it is moisturising to dry skin and balancing to oily, great for zits as it is antibacterial, your face feels so clean afterwards but do wash make up off beforehand.
I also use honey on my face as a face mask! I pop it on and leave it for 1 hour to do its magic, healing my zits and making my skin super duper soft.

I make my own body scrub with olive oil and sugar!
make your own by using a clean empty glass jar with a lid, the bigger the better and I use around 70% sugar to 30% oil, get in the shower, dampen your skin, turn the water off, scrub all over, including feet but not delicate areas such as nips, your lady business and neck:) Then rinse off, you will feel amazing and it is so cheap too!

I remove my make up with a simple face wash ,which is cruelty free and wash with or avocado oil, or honey

I moisturise my skin with either one of my weleda moisturisers or avocado oil

My deodorant is by weleda and it is called wild rose, or I use ice crystal deodorant
Both of which keep me smelling great :)

I shave my legs with olive oil and a razor (need to buy reusable razor but I do use my disposable for over a month)

I recycle paper, glass, plastic and tins.

I made my own antibacterial kitchen spray with 50/50 water and white vinegar!
I use soda crystals in water and it is amazing stuff, gets though all food and grease, great for cleaning SO MANY THINGS.
soda crystals

Vinegar has so many uses, check out this site for 101 ways to use it!
vinegar uses
i found a great recipe for a carpet cleaner made from vinegar, bicarb of soda and a little washing up liquid too, which I'm going to try next week!

I clean my windows and mirrors with vinegar and water, they come out great.
There are an abundance of great recipes online from making your own dryer sheets to making your own laundry detergent, don't you just love the Internet!!

OH and I really want to crochet some pretty reusable cloths soon, hehe!!

My hubby and I make our own pet food with fresh veggies and turkey and brown rice and olive oil.
We are changing the dry food that our fur babies have from james wellbeloved (after finding out that they were bought out by a company that is , as far as I have read conducting vivisection procedures.)
I wrote to james wellbeloved to ask them about this, with no response as yet.
But just incase that is true, I looked online for an alternative.
so we looked for a holistic cruelty free food for the cats and dogs and came up with burns,
Burn's pet food

I use a cruelty free shampoo to bath the dogs and cats (don't worry, my cats are so chilled out and don't mind a bath at all, Oreo, my long haired kitty cat, will even let me blow dry him :)

We have a water filter in our kettle and use a water filter for all cooking water and drinking water to save buying mineral water (better for environment and cheaper too)

we use our washing machine at the coldest temp it can be on to wash the clothes.
btw, great way to soften your clothes is to use a tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda instead of fabric softener, fabric softener actually harms the fabric of your clothes!! If you still want them to smell nice though, add some essential oil, I use orange!

When buying anything at the supermarket, me and the hubs go for the fair trade items etc.
Also, the plastic bags that you put your apples in etc, they can be re-used over and over again, just take hem with you to the supermarket, along with your reusable grocery bags, so much greener, try to avoid items with loads of plastic polystyrene packaging too!

Right now I can't think what else I do, I'll edit this post if I remember anything else!

So, as you can see, Ive made a start, I'm on my way to being who I want to be and it is so exciting!!!
I know this will sound dorky but I have a huge smile on my face whenever I use my natural cleaning recipes or beauty treats that I have made myself from cruelty free and natural ingredients, it feels so empowering and great!!!

This blog entry wasn't not bragging or being on a soap box, I'm simply sharing myself and my experiences and thoughts with you, hope you get something good from this, do let me know, I'd be thrilled if I have inspired even one person to make a change. I'm sure loads of you are doing lots of good where you are too and if you're not and you would like too, you can't make steps to do so right now!

I still have lots to learn and if you have any info you would feel benefit me or my readers, please do share,

do comment and let me know what you think xxxxxx


Leslie Dallion said...

Awesome post sister! High five!!!! :D

Jody Sternhagen said...

Giving up animal products is another way to help the environment and not partake in cruelty to animals. I am vegetarian and would like to go vegan, but so far I do not have enough willpower to go completely vegan.

I really liked this post and thought it was very informational and inspiring!

I have a homemade laundry soap recipe that I use and is very simple. You should be able to easily find all the ingredients locally. The weirdest one for me was the washing soda, but I found it at a local chain store (Target) not sure if you have those by you. But it's down the laundry soap aisle.

Homemade Liquid Laundry Soap- Front or top load machine- best value

4 Cups - hot tap water
1 Fels-Naptha soap bar (I use ivory bar soap)
1 Cup - Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda*
½ Cup Borax

- Grate bar of soap and add to saucepan with water. Stir continually over medium-low heat until soap dissolves and is melted.

-Fill a 5 gallon bucket half full of hot tap water. Add melted soap, washing soda and Borax. Stir well until all powder is dissolved. Fill bucket to top with more hot water. Stir, cover and let sit overnight to thicken.

-Stir and fill a used, clean, laundry soap dispenser half full with soap and then fill rest of way with water. Shake before each use. (will gel)

-Optional: You can add 10-15 drops of essential oil per 2 gallons. Add once soap has cooled. Ideas: lavender, rosemary, tea tree oil.

-Yield: Liquid soap recipe makes 10 gallons.

-Top Load Machine- 5/8 Cup per load (Approx. 180 loads)

-Front Load Machines- ¼ Cup per load (Approx. 640 loads)

*Arm & Hammer "Super Washing Soda" - in some stores or may be purchased online here (at Baking Soda will not work, nor will Arm & Hammer Detergent - It must be sodium carbonate!!

Peach Nia said...

Thanks Jody but arm and hammer tests on animals:(

Peach Nia said...

Thanks Leslie!!!

Anonymous said...

I use Borax, bicarb, white vinegar, soda crystals for cleaning, have you checked the green and old style pages on moneysavingexpert? There is a lot over there which will help you, the people over there are so lovely and helpful! I also used a tiny squirt of Toms toothpaste with a toothbrush to clean the seals of my freezer yesterday, very cool. I don't use cloth menstrual pads but liners and when it's my time of the month I use a Mooncup :)

Leslie Dallion said...

I also think Ivory soap (P&G) tests on animals and Ivory contains sodium tallowate which is cow fat I believe.

I love castile soap. I bet that would work great!

It really is hard to know unless you sift through everything..... sigh.

Kim said...

Re: menstrual pads.

I've gotta say, I was a tampon gal (pads always freaked me out)... A few years ago I moved over to the moon cup, which is a reusable menstrual cup. I've had the same one for about 3/4 years now.

Benefits, alongside not having to buy disposable and environmentally endangering products, is the fact that because it's made from an innate substance there's less chance of getting infections etc. I used to get terribly thrush some months because of tampons, but since using the mooncup I'm 100% good! Each cup costs about £20, but it's a great investment!

RE: Vinegar.

I have a great book with 101 uses of vinegar around the house, it's amazing! I've refilled several squirty bottles with a vinegar/water mix for cleaning windows!

RE: the other stuff.

Definitely going to try some of your home made cleaning tips out, the laundry detergent sounds great! We currently use a wash ball, but I'm not liking it's cleaning power!

Unknown said...

Oh my I love this post! What great ideas!! Thank you!

Peach Nia said...

Awesome Nat!!!! I love that site, I must check it out for more info, thanks for reminding me, you're right, the people are lovely and helpful on there!
Oh and of course, the mooncup!!!!
I forgot all about that. I told you ages ago about my trying with that thing, must try again but it hurt to get it in and to get out, also freaked me out a bit once it was in, how to get out, hehe!

Peach Nia said...

Leslie, you're spot on, you have to really look into these things right?? I find it overwhelming sometimes.

Peach Nia said...

I forgot all about the mooncup!!! I couldn't get the hang of it, still want to try again, it just sits in my drawer waiting to fulfil its destiny, haha!

I need that book about the vinegar, sounds fantastic :)

Peach Nia said...

Rachel, thanks so much for your comment xxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

I think it's great you're doing so many things to be kinder to the environment! I'm trying to do my bit too! This is a great website for more tips on how to use the more traditional, natural cleaning products if you wanna take a look:

Rebecca said...

What an epic post! I loved reading all of it and I certainly got a few tips from you! I think it is so important to be aware of the products you are using and where they have come from, although some companies can still suprise you.... I have been using Ecover products thinking they are ok! Please share with me why they are not!

Near where I live is a shop called Eco Eco which is amazing, you can buy products from their website
I think you would like!


Peach Nia said...

Thanks Rebecca!! I am loving using cruelty free things, it makes you feel youa re making a difference in teh world :0

Ecover; test on rabbit's blood and fleas and I don'[t know whsat else,. I just know that they were on the bad list on peta

Sophie St Vicious said...

great post Becky! I've been using a mooncup for about a year now and I couldn't go back to tampons.

MonsterMashBash said...

This has completely inspired me! I'm sadly living with my parents & they buy most things.. & even when they're not buying they're paying :( But I always wash my clothes on the lowest temperture! and I try not to use electricity or heating too much! I'd really love to check my bathroom product are cruelty free & I will def be checking out some of the link you posted :)

Also, when you use vinegar in cleaning.. doesn't it reek of vinegar? or is there some kind of scent you can use?


Plastic Bat said...

Such a great post Becky - you put me to shame! I don't do enough but I'm looking into making a lot of changes.

I don't get a lot of time what with working & running my shop to make my own but I was over the moon to find out that M&S now sell cruelty free eco friendly cleaning products so I will be buying those from now on, we recycle as much as we can and some diet changes are next on the list hopefully!

Being a pet owner I can no longer bear the thought of despicable animal tests, its just so disturbing how common it is!

Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

I came across this blog while searching for something else and must say.. I found this post very helpful!

After I had my baby, I was at the midwives office and the lady next to me was using disposible diapers, wipes, bottle liners and then throwing it all in a non-biodegradable plastic bag and THEN throwing it in the garbage. I've never seen so much waste in my life! Pure laziness really. Needless to say, I decided to change my life.

I already was using cloth diapers. I also started using re-usable wipes, making my own bum spray and rash creme, and using glass bottles.

I also started using a wonder wash from The Laundry Alternative company to wash my clothes with natural detergent. It's a hand cranked laundry machine that uses no power. It's a bit of a work out if your doing several loads a day, but I like being in control of how clean my clothes come out, especially when it comes to the diapers. To spin them dry I use a 5 gallon restaurant salad spinner which of course, uses no power as well.

My next steps are to start a recycle and compost program at my condo(I saw my neighbour miss recycle day so she took all her recycling and threw it in the garbage because she didn't want to hold it until next week!) and to change my make-up and body products, which you gave my lots of great ideas for so Thank you! Very helpful~

Peach Nia said...

Thank you so much for all of your fantastic comments, they give me so much inspiration :)

Tastes Like More said...

I LOVE reading your posts about going green. It gives me new ideas as well and I feel inspired to do more! I have some great cruelty-free and semi-natural cleaners for the house, but why not simplify things further and just use baking soda and vinegar?

I didn't know that Arm and Hammer tested on animals. I hope my no-name-brand doesn't!

For moisturizers I've rediscovered Jason Natural Cosmetics. They're cruelty free and don't have any parabens or other nasty chemicals. I think their 25000 vitamin e cream might have some silicone in it, but I'm not sure. They have great straight jojoba oil (sinks into the skin really well), vitamin e oil (helps to heal spots and dries them up too!) and I just tried out their 5000 vitamin e cream on my hands and if they stay moisturized I know my face will too!

I really wish I could make my own laundry detergent but I have a High Efficiency washer so that won't work :(

I'm reusing a lot of bags as well, but thanks for pointing out that we can reuse the plastic fruit bags.

I've used the Diva Cup for about 3 years now and I'd never go back to tampons or pads. It's a little awkward at times and can be messy, but it doesn't bother my lady parts the way that tampons did (tmi, sorry!)

Since you're using honey, apparently Manuka honey is the best one to use - it has all sorts of nutrients in it that's really good for the skin. I know it helped some spots that I had! Check it out!

Keep up the awesome posts!