Wednesday, 23 June 2010

CRAFT 52 week 27

Hi Guys!!!

Me and my hubs spent all of our money recently on anniversary gifts (11 years married on July 1st, woo hoo) and equipment for our raw food diet (dehydrator, food processor,super foods) so right now we are pretty broke for a while until we save some funds again, so when I saw the etsy listing for a pretty white felt flower hair barrette,I thought, damn, I really like that, but will have to make my own!
I had some beautiful 100% wool felt and a pretty vintage button that I think is about 50 or 60 years old, so I went to town creating my own.

The above is my version of the wonderful creation below.

etsy listing

I personally think it is best to support the artist if you can but most artists don't mind if you are just making something like theirs for your own enjoyment.

I wanted to give full credit to the actual creator, so that you could go buy one if wanted to. I didn't want to pass this off as my design. I mean, I handmade it, designed the petal etc but what I mean is, It wasn't my idea.

I am loving crafts lately and have some great ideas for jewellery right now x


Adiel | Rose Gold Lining said...

Super cute! Great work!

it's me ...Twinkie Chan! said...

You did a great job! Looks a lot like your inspiration!

Peach Nia said...

Thanks ladies!!!!

Lo Christine said...

Yours looks great!!

Peach Nia said...

Thank you xxx