Tuesday 8 May 2012

Self lovin' not self loathin'

Hi anyone out there that reads this!
I just wanted to share this video and some thoughts with you.

I am sure most if not all of you have heard of Garla Darling, (swoons) gosh I do love everything about her, lol!

Anyhoo I came across this video today..I don't remember how but it was just what I needed to hear. Isn't it beautiful when the universe sends you these lil gifts when you are flagging a bit :)

I have had a similar journey to Gala in that we were both angry teens, both self mutilated, met a man that was into spiritual stuff that really helped them. Where Gala "got it" and really moved on to create a beautiful life I did not..I'm in my 30's and it is only now I really feel the deep healing taking place.
I had read many a self help book, watched many a "guru" and all these things had a good effect on me and indeed helped BUT it wasn't until I got the chance to have CBT with mindful therapy this year, that I have begun to start really healing and lemme tell ya, it ain't a walk in the park!!
It is emotionally and physically draining. It is overwhelming. Talk about an emotional roller coaster  BUT you get to have huge breakthroughs and those wonderful light bulb moments, start really understanding and accepting and loving yourself. It is amazing and quite euphoric at times too!

I'll admit it is not for the faint hearted but I want to live a full life, without the shackles of my past pulling me down and like Gala beautifully put ( I'mlikely paraphrasing) "feel like there is an invisible hand pulling you back"

So I am mid-therapy at the moment and still much work to do but I can feel day to day I am much accepting and mindful.

So if you are struggling, you have frequent blue times, your past is haunting you and your self esteem is on the floor, have faith...you can get better if you really work towards  self love/acceptance, one beautiful baby step at a time.


Well you could visit Gala Darling's website and join the self love bootcamp  here

One GREAT tip from Gala is avoid gossip mags...what a great tip because all they do is teach us to be judgemental and bitchy to other women and enjoy other's misfortune and that is just fucked up, right?

Start reading self help books or dvds or go to a therapist but do something because you deserve to live a beautiful life and feel worthy because you are!
I know it can be daunting. I know it is sometimes just easier to band-aid it, like buying things or eating (that's what I did) but it is soooooooooo worth it.

You're already perfect just the way you are but if you are not happy then there is lots of help out there.

If you have noone to talk to, email me, I'd be happy to help <3

Peach xx


Deco Dolly said...


Peach Nia said...
