Friday, 19 June 2009

Finestimaginary interview and giveaway!!!

I'd like to introduce you to the wonderful Kim who is the genius behind Finestimaginary!!
Kim creates amazing accessories that are full of fun. Let's get to know her better!
Here's a picture of kim!
1. Tell us a bit about yourself, your background and how you got into creating Finestimaginary.
Oooh, I don't really know how far to go back! Since I was very small I've been a crafter, it all started because of my Nanna who was a seamstress. We used to make teddy bear outfits on her old singer sewing machine on a Saturday night. I think everything stemmed from there, really! Throughout my teen-hood I used to rip up t-shirts, stencil onto them, make brash and bright bead jewellery etc. When I somehow ended up on an art degree a few years ago I really honed my design skills and realised that I really wanted to make things forever! Setting up a business is hard work, so instead of worrying about cash I also work as a web developer during the day, this lets me support myself and my family whilst also giving me the evenings and weekends for FinestImaginary fun! The skills from both jobs are really transferable, too.

2. What creation of yours are you most proud of?
I'm really proud of my entire range, I really do take pride in the execution of all my necklaces.. from the initial design to the packaging. I think the little details are what makes a shopping experience great!

3. If you could travel back in time, where would you go and why?
Sounds odd, but I'd probably go back to the industrial revolution. So many great things happened back then, and there was just an atmosphere of change and a real buzz about it all. We don't have that now, we're a pretty apathetic era.

4. How would you describe your style?
Eclectic! I have such a random array of likes, from high fashion to slogan t-shirts. I think this shows through with the work I make, too. I have quite a fun outlook on fashion and design, I love to see the use of stories & popular culture in fashion. A couple of my favourite designers are Vivienne Westwood (for classic cuts and curvy lady styling), Viktor & Rolf (for their insane use of concepts and really adventurous outlook on fashion) & Luella (wearable designs, great fabric combinations and colours to die for), I'm also a massive fan of t-shirts (owning over 60 at last count) so really love to see sites like threadless & design by humans showcasing some great designs from unknown designers!

5. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
I think I'm going to have to say a kitty, getting to sleep all day, play with toys and eat sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me!

6. What's your most favourite season and why?
I'm really in love with Autumn and Spring.. In Autumn I love the smells and the deep colours, and in Spring I love the freshness and the new blossoms and buds. Winter is so-so, not much happens there, same with Summer. I like change :)
7. How would you decorate a cupcake to represent your personality?
Colours, it would HAVE to be colourful. It would also need to have pink, definitely pink. I'm thinking, light green frosting (or maybe like, rainbow frosting?!) with pink nonpareils and edible glitter
8. What's the best and worst things about your job?
The best thing about FinestImaginary has to be getting to see the designs that I draw turn into something that people can wear. It's really fulfilling when you get to handle something real, especially as most of the other work I do during the day stays behind a screen! The worst thing is handling finances, it's such a good thing that I've got a day job because it means that I can pump any FinestImaginary profits straight back into the company.
9. Tea or coffee?
Coffee. Coffee Coffee Coffee! Yom!

10. What new goodies do you have in the pipeline right now, anything you can tell us?
Unfortunately I haven't been devoting enough time to finestimaginary lately due to a house move and renovation, BUT, that's all going to change imminently. There's a few new plastic designs that I'm dying to release, and all being well we should be producing a new line of t-shirts and clothing super soon!
Giveaway time!!
Kim would like to offer one lucky person their pick of a necklace from
To enter: Visit the site
Tell us what item that you like the best and comment here!
Please note that the item that you choose as your favorite is the item that if you are the lucky winner, will be your prize.
To gain extra entries you can:
1. Follow this blog
2. Blog about this giveaway
Good luck!
Winner will be announced on June 27th.


artemis said...

all the stuff is super cute!
my favourite is the LOL necklace!

Holly said...

nice! my favorite is the camera necklace:
thanks for the giveaway!
xo holly

Waxy said...

My fave is the Grrr! necklace! Love it!

Waxy said...

I'm also a follower of this blog who hearts the Grrr! necklace!

Claudia said...

oh how very cute! i don't think i've come across her jewelry before, maybe the text necklaces.. which are kind of cool! but i'm pretty partial to rain clouds :D and i think the marshmallow cloud brooch is even better because it's marshmallow and pink xD

Sarah said...

My favourite thing is the comic graphics style POW! necklace - reminds me of old school batman - SOCK! KABLAM! Hehe love it!

throuthehaze said...

I like the Teapot Sweetheart Necklace

throuthehaze said...


V said...

My favorite is the Grr Monster Necklace! Too cute!

V said...

I also follow your blog! :) GRR!

Digital Misfit said...

Adorable necklaces!
The WTF design is my very favorite.

Digital Misfit said...

I am following your blog :)

little t jane said...

neat! fun interview & adorable shop!!! Camera Necklace is my favorite :D I also love the comic blurt ones, too. very cool! thanks a bunch for this fun giveaway!

little t jane said...

rss feed reader in the hey-ouse! i've been following your blog. :D

oh! funny- my word verification is "picked." does that mean you'll pick me for this giveaway?!!! ;D cheers

Darshana said...

the camera necklace in white, it's so cute!! <3

babalisme said...

Goldfinch Necklace is soooooo adorable! But it's a very though pick!

babalisme said...

I'm also a follower!

Rachael said...

She has an AMAZING website! It looks great and is super cute - just like her stuff! I love the black teapot neckace (the one you have on your blog - too cute!). Thanks! I'll be following your blog! :D


Rachael (Roscata on Etsy) said...

I posted your interview and giveaway on my blog! :)

tastyfake said...

The teapot sweetheart necklace is adorable!

FunkyJunkJewellery said...

Super supercute stuff you have there! I love it all but if you made me pick (and it was between Goldfinch and my actual fave...) my fave is the LOL one! It totally speaks to my inner geek!

I have just started following this blog and have also just retweeted this competition (through gritted teeth as I don't want to reduce my chances of winning!!)

Thanks! Lindsay (aka Little Miss FunkyJunk)

Tizzalicious said...

I bought from her before! Such an awesome shop.

My favorite is the teapot necklace!

Tizzalicious said...

And I'm following your blog :)

Anonymous said...

I love the teapot sweetheart necklace the most but all off of it is fab xxx

A Game of Twister said...

I can't believe that I've never heard of FinestImaginary before this. Her stuff is adorable! I would have to say that my favorite thing is the Wtf necklace:

I'm also already following your blog. :)

no said...

Awesome, I'm a Kim 'follower', so to speak and read about this in her LJ :)

I'm going to follow your blog too because I want more blogs to read!

I'm not much of a necklace wearer so I'll let it go to someone else :)

Mary Rebecca said...

I have always thought the Teapot Sweetheart Necklace was super cute. :)

Sharon said...

My favourite necklace from your shop would have to be the Juicy Apple Necklace.

If I win you can find me on Twitter - I'm in your list of followers somewhere!

*fingers crossed*

Becky said...

Wow, such cool jewellry! I'd have to say my fave is "WTF net spk Necklace." I'm very naughty aren't I?

Becky said...

Also a follower!

Chan @ Chanmeleon said...

Haha, I love the "lol" necklace. That's my signature phrase. :)

Chan @ Chanmeleon said...

I'm following your blog :)

Kate said...

I'm in love with the Grr Arg necklace, and just retweeted about this! xxx

Christy said...

Such cute stuff! I am having a hard time deciding what is my favorite. I think the Grr necklace is my pick.

I love these interviews!

Kat said...

kim is amazing!! her designs are so sweet, my favourite is the teapot sweetheart necklace! gorgeous :)

thelovelyteaspoon said...

my fave is the monster necklace:


RainbowSweetStitch said...

I love the Teapot Sweetheart Necklace!!!

RainbowSweetStitch said...

I follow your blog AND I posted about it on my blogger here:

Kaizen Fashion Project said...

I adore the Camera Necklace! It's fantastic!

heatheranne99 at hotmail dot com

Kaizen Fashion Project said...

Blog follower!

heatheranne99 at hotmail dot com

Kaizen Fashion Project said...


heatheranne99 at hotmail dot com

Eileen said...

The Teapot Sweetheart necklace is sooo cute!


Plastic Bat said...

I love the Grr Arg! necklace as it reminds me of evenings spent watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer :)

Love Hearts and Crosses - Quirky Jewellery and Accessories said...

Love Love the Marshmallow Cloud Brooch - Lovely!

Sara L. said...

i love the camera necklace! so cute!

Ladybug Girl said...

there are so many things that i love but i havta say my favority is the Wham! Pow! Comic book necklaces

Ladybug Girl said...

uno mas thing! i'm a follower and heres the link: