Tuesday 9 March 2010

new cereal and honey bees


I have been reducing my sugar intake as much as possible in all areas of my diet over the last few months, to help my condition (fibromyalgia) plus my skin issues.
I have read such bad things about sugar that I encourage you to look into it for yourself.
Sugar rots your teeth, prematurely ages you just to name two!

This awesome cereal is sweetened with honey and wheat free as my tummy hates wheat.
It is so delicious!! I had only ever tried granola bars in the past, always loved them, so whilst looking though the cereal isle for anything wheat free, dairy free and sugar free whilst still looking like it wouldn't taste like the bottom of a hamster cage, I came across this , what a fantastic surprise that it actually tastes fantastic, I am hooked!!

Saving the honey bees too!!

This company is helping raise awareness for the plight of the honey bee which is really our plight too!
The situation is serious!
All but a handful of colonies are gone and nearly 20% of the UK hives did not survive the winter.

It isn't just a matter of running out of honey, bees help pollinate all kinds of vital crops, they pollinate an estimated one third of the food we eat so if they do die out, the results are catastrophic for us.


Check out other online sites to see what you can do!

I eat it with rice milk, I LOVE rice milk. I don't eat any products from a cow anymore. Originally (around 9 years ago) I stopped eating beef etc as a health thing and gave up milk years ago as my tummy was going though sensitive issues but since discovering what cows (the disgusting treatment and miserable life of a dairy cow ) go through, I would never ever again eat anything from a cow, not cheese, milk or meat. It is heartbreaking what they go though, I was truly shocked to find out.
If you want to know more, check out this;

I warn you, It is very upsetting .

If you are offended by this, all I say is that I am only living my life as I think is right for me and you must do the same for you.


thestoryofkat said...

is fibromyalgia a form of arthritis??

this just occurred to me after reading your post...my doctor checked and it seems my sugar levels are high right now. also, my knees have been feeling like i have arthritis pain or something but i'm only 28! how does this kind of thing correspond?

(nice blog redesign btw!)

rebekkah said...

but look honey: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080808081106AAWTs1y

Unknown said...

I will have to try this granola... as you seem to love it which is a great recommendation!

Chan @ Chanmeleon said...

Sounds like you are making the right choices in your life! I haven't given up sugar, but I am vegetarian.

Let us know about other new treats you find!

Tastes Like More said...

Ironically enough, even though I'm a pastry chef and thus specialize in all things refined and sweet, I am very conscious of my own health and the state from which my animals products come from for baking.

You brits have all this wonderful food at your disposal - I wish I could try this granola!

I'm really into raw food desserts these days too. I just made a raw chocolate mousse which was delicious.

I have a newspaper article about the different non-cow milks out there, and it ranked rice milk fairly low in terms of nutrients. Nut milks give more protein and calcium. Rice milk is still fine, just is a watered down version of all the good stuff you can get from rice. I drink almond and soy milk myself, reserving cow products for special desserts. I hope to be able to cut out all cow products at some point. I think it's wonderful that you've managed to do it already!